Petition For Admission – Implementation Of “Afidavit Pengesahan Dokumen” Postponed By The Court
Circular No:018/2023
Date: 28 February 2023

Dear Pupils-In-Chambers,

Reference is made to the Court’s announcement on its E-Filing System (“EFS”) webpage ( on 1 June 2022 and the Manual Pengguna EFS – Petisyen Untuk Penerimaan Masuk Peguam Bela dan Peguam Cara (Kod 18) contained therein.

The Court’s aforesaid concerns the intended replacement of “Sijil Pengesahan Dokumen” (“SPD”), with that of “Afidavit Pengesahan Dokumen” (“APD”), as a means to verify the authenticity of documents exhibited in Form 6 (Petitioner’s Affidavit for Admission to the Bar purposes).

Through follow-ups with the Court’s concerning the implementation of the APD, the Court’s have confirmed and informed us on 24 February 2023, that the implementation of the APD is postponed until further notice.

As such, Petitioners are to continue:

i) using SPD for the purposes of verification of the relevant documents; and

ii) physically depositing their original documents as exhibited in their Form 6, at the BKKK Registry (Kuala Lumpur Court Complex). Upon verification of the relevant documents, the Petitioner’s SPD would be sealed accordingly.

Alvin Oh Seong Yew
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee




Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
+603 2693 1440
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia*
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50000 Kuala Lumpur