KLBC Sub-committees

The Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”) established 10 Sub-committees to undertake a host of projects and activities involving lawyers and others. The brief essential details of each of the Sub-committees and their respective Chairpersons are as follows:

Civil Practice & Court Liaison Committee
Co-Chairperson : Nimalan Devaraja

Co-Chairperson: Shugan Raman
E-mail: sr@shuganco.com

  • To engage with the Judiciary, Registrars, and other relevant stakeholders for the collective goal of improving the administration of justice;
  • To establish and/or improve procedures and systems that enhance civil practice in the Kuala Lumpur Courts for the benefit of members;
  • To foster a sense of solidarity among practitioners in relation to their practice in the Kuala Lumpur Courts;
  • To address legitimate concerns and complaints raised by members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar in relation to their practice in the Kuala Lumpur Courts and the Palace of Justice; and
  • To advocate for policies and reforms in relation to civil practice that benefit both the legal profession and the public in the administration of justice.
Corporate & Conveyancing Practice Committee
Chairperson: Alden Yeoh Shuen Chun
E-mail: alden@kyblegal.com
  • To identify and resolve issues encountered by members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar in the area of corporate and/or conveyancing practices, and to assist members in dealing with the Land Offices and Registries, Stamp Duty Offices, Bahagian Pinjaman Perumahan Perbendaharaan Malaysia, Banks, Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM), Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), etc;
  • To foster the relationship and enhance communication amongst all parties and stakeholders involved in the corporate and/or conveyancing practices;
  • To fortify the legal knowledge and expertise of the members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar in the area of corporate and/or conveyancing practices by organising training and events; and
  • To work hand-in-hand with the Conveyancing Practice Committee and the Corporate and Commercial Law Committee of the Bar Council, the Selangor Bar and other State Bars (as and when necessary) to achieve the above objectives.
Criminal Law Practice Committee
Chairperson: Rajsurian Pillai
E-mail: surian.law.firm@gmail.com
  • To engage and maintain continuous communication with the Kuala Lumpur Criminal Courts, the Attorney General’s Chambers, enforcement authorities and other relevant stakeholders for the betterment of the administration of criminal justice;
  • To set in place guidelines to enhance the practice of criminal law in the Kuala Lumpur Courts;
  • To deal with complaints of members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar in relation to their criminal practice in the Kuala Lumpur Courts;
  • To expend efforts to eradicate touting at the Kuala Lumpur Courts; and
  • To expose and encourage young lawyers to participate in criminal practice by conducting and organising talks, seminars, workshops and criminal practice mentoring programmes.
Gender Equality & Diversity Committee
Co-Chairperson: Tay Kit Hoo
E-mail: la1@seirasharizad.comCo-Chairperson: Brenda Rangithan
E-mail: brenda@bpdlex.com

  • To conduct Diversity & Inclusivity Training sessions targeting pupils & young lawyers;
  • To conduct a mentorship programme in collaboration with Pupils Committee and the Young Lawyers Committee;
  • To carry out a survey on discrimination and harassment within the legal profession to assess the factors which affect members’ ability to advance themselves within the profession;
  • To carry out focused awareness and sensitisation programmes on Gender Parity, Equality and Diversity, including but not limited to, topics that impact members of the minority comunities such as mental and sexual health;
  • To propose a code of conduct for a safe and respectable workplace for law firms to adopt in order to create a diverse-friendly workplace; and
  • To provide support, encourage dialogue and create valuable connections among the diverse members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar.
Bar Council Legal Aid Centre, Kuala Lumpur (BCLACKL)
Chairperson: Terrence Lee Rohui
  • LAC’s objective is to enlighten the public and the impecunious in particular as to the legal aspects, to educate them about the various fundamental and legal rights and liberties that they are entitled to, and to provide free legal advice and representation.
  • The Programs run by the LAC are:
    • LAC Clinic
    • YBGK Program
    • Dock Brief Program
    • Prison Program
    • AWAM, WAO, SIS (Women NGOs Programs)
    • MTUC Program
    • Tenaganita Program
    • UNHCR Program
    • Publication, Editorial & Research
    • Outreach Program
    • Syariah Clinic
  • Further to the above programs, the LAC is also constantly looking into new programs to reach all segments of society for Malaysian citizens and non-Malaysian citizens.
Publications Committee
Co-Chairperson: S. Saravana Kumar
E-mail: sara@rdslawpartners.comCo-Chairperson: Thulasy Suppiah
E-mail: thulasy@suppiahlaw.com

  • Focusing on the publication of selected materials on the respective communication platforms (i.e. KL Bar Website; blog, Facebook, Twitter & Telegram) for members of the Malaysian Bar;
  • Responsible for improving the communication of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee with members on issues and concerns of members;
  • To ease access, circulation and dissemination of beneficial information and updates to members; and
  • To collaborate with all relevant stakeholders and work on a commemorative coffee table book in conjunction with the KL Bar’s 30th Anniversary.
Professional Development Committee
Co-Chairperson: S. Saravana Kumar
E-mail: sara@rdslawpartners.comCo-Chairperson: Thulasy Suppiah
E-mail: thulasy@suppiahlaw.com

  • To develop and implement Professional Development programmes for members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. It offers members and pupils, through its various programmes, an opportunity to fortify their legal knowledge and updates on the legal developments in their area of expertise.
  • This would include programmes designed to ensure that pupils and members are equipped with all relevant skills to meet the challenges of this competitive industry;
  • The PDC is also designed to inculcate and imbue the importance of professional development so as to ensure the overall objective of career development and advancement;
  • To develop training and delivery skills for members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar who are interested to be speakers for Professional Development programmes or as speakers or trainers for such other programmes as an extension of their professional practice; and
  • The PDC will assist in organising programmes for members in order to have sufficient avenues to collect CPD points, in light of the CPD Scheme.
Pupils Committee
Chairperson: Weera Premananda
E-mail: weera@adr.my
  • To monitor all issues concerning the welfare and well-being of pupils throughout the pupillage period;
  • To recommend remedies, solutions and courses of action in order to address any issues raised by pupils, Masters and the Courts concerning the welfare of pupils;
  • To promote the continuous professional development of pupils through workshops, seminars, dialogues, etc;
  • To provide a platform for pupils to effectively voice their concerns over any issue that may arise in the course of their pupillage; and
  • To provide a social and networking platform by organising social events, with the aim to bridge the gap between pupils and practitioners, as well as to forge closer professional ties.
Sports Committee
Co-Chairperson: Alvin Oh Seong Yew
Co-Chairperson: Sathya Sinnappan
E-mail: sathyasinnappan@gmail.com
  • To organise various sporting activities which promote interaction and participation amongst fellow members of the Bar;
  • To organise teams to compete at State Bar level sporting activities (such as the Inter-State Bar Games, Kuala Lumpur Bar v Selangor Bar Games) and with other parties; and
  • To explore and organise new/innovative sporting events such as E-Sports and Foot Golf.
Young Lawyers Committee
Chairperson: Tan Hui Wen
E-mail: wen.tanhuiwen@gmail.com

The Young Lawyers Committee promotes and represents the interest of junior members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. The work and activities of the Young Lawyers Committee focus on the following areas:

  • Welfare and Social Justice;
  • Career Development and Progression;
  • Networking Within and Beyond the Bar; and
  • Training and Entry to the Bar.

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee




Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
+603 2693 1440
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia*
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50000 Kuala Lumpur