In Memoriam | Dato’ K C Vohrah

Contributed by Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of our former consultant, Dato’ K C Vohrah, this morning.

Dato’ Vohrah (or “Judge”, as he was fondly known in the firm) had a long and illustrious career in public service, having joined the Judicial and Legal Service in 1965, and retiring as a judge of the Court of Appeal in 2002. He remained professionally active after his retirement, serving in the Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) from 2002 to 2008. His final contribution to the nation was as the chair of the Institutional Reforms Committee in 2018, which recommended changes to key Malaysian agencies and institutions.

Judge served as a consultant with Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill from 2002 until 2016. For many of us at LHAG, he was a source of knowledge, guidance and wisdom, not only on matters involving legal issues and interpretations, but also on matters of integrity, ethics and life beyond the law.

His professional career aside, Judge was also very much a family man, a doting husband, father and grandfather to his wife, two children and four grandchildren. He constantly reminded lawyers in the firm of the need to step back and appreciate the more important things in life ― family and friends.

LHAG was truly privileged to have had Judge as part of our family. We pay tribute to this great man, with his own words in his book, “KC Vohrah, Finding a Footing in the Law”:

“The great majority of people have not tangled with the rigours of the law. They cope with the ups and downs of everyday life, finding solace in every family life, of abiding friendships across racial lines, in communal prayers, and seeing with eyes on the goodness of neighbours and their acts of kindness. Forgetting the noise and ruckus of troublemakers.

There is The Almighty’s gift of life and essential goodness to us.

There is beauty in what The Almighty has given.”

His words reflect his true self, his sense of fairness, and how much he valued his family and friends.

He will be sorely missed by the LHAG family. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

The Kuala Lumpur Bar extends its heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the family members and loved ones of Dato’ K C Vohrah.

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee




Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
+603 2693 1440
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia*
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50000 Kuala Lumpur