KLBC 2022/23 – Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer,  Co-opted Member, And Sub-Committee Chairpersons

Circular No: 031/2022
Date: 28 March 2022

Dear Members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar,

Further to our Circular No. 018/2022, we are pleased to inform you that the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee [“KLBC”] for the term 2022/23 assumed office after the Kuala Lumpur Bar Annual General Meeting on 24 February 2022.

At the KLBC’s first meeting on 25 March 2022, the new KLBC appointed the Honorary Secretary of the KLBC pursuant to Section 70(6) of the Legal Profession Act 1976 and co-opted one member to the KLBC under Section 73(vii) of the Legal Profession Act 1976.
The KLBC also appointed an Honorary Treasurer to monitor, amongst other things, the financial affairs of the KL Bar.
For the term 2022/23, the KLBC’s Office Bearers are as follows:-
I. Honorary Secretary

Alvin Oh Seong Yew

II. Co-opted Member

Alden Yeoh

III. Honorary Treasurer
S. Saravana Kumar
10 Sub-Committees were set up for this term and the following KLBC members were appointed to chair the individual Sub-Committees:

1. Civil Practice & Court Liaison Committee
Co-Chairperson: Nimalan Devaraja
Co-Chairperson: Lim Yin Faye
E-mail: faye@jfplawyers.com

2. Corporate & Conveyancing Practice Committee
Chairperson: Alden Yeoh
E-mail: alden@kyblegal.com

3. Criminal Law Practice Committee
Co-Chairperson: Collin Arvind Andrew
E-mail: collinlawchambers@gmail.com

Co-Chairperson: Rajsurian Pillai
E-mail: surian.law.firm@gmail.com

4. Gender Equality & Diversity Committee
Chairperson: Thulasy Suppiah
E-mail: thulasy@suppiahlaw.com

5. Professional Development Committee
Chairperson: S. Saravana Kumar
E-mail: sara@rdslawpartners.com

6. Pupils Committee
Chairperson: Weera Premananda
E-mail: weera@adr.my

7. Social, Arts & Culture Committee

Co-Chairperson: Lim Yin Faye
E-mail: faye@jfplawyers.com
Co-Chairperson: Shugan Raman
E-mail: sr@shuganco.com
8. Sports Committee
Co-Chairperson: Alvin Oh Seong Yew
E-mail: a.s.oh.2009@gmail.com

Co-Chairperson: Collin Arvind Andrew
E-mail: collinlawchambers@gmail.com

9. Technology Committee
Co-Chairperson: Nimalan Devaraja
Co-Chairperson: Terrence Lee Rohui
E-mail: tl@terrencelee.com.my
10. Young Lawyers Committee
Chairperson: Shugan Raman
E-mail: sr@shuganco.com

11. Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur)

Co-Chairperson: Terrence Lee Rohui
E-mail: tl@terrencelee.com.my

Co-Chairperson: Rajsurian Pillai
E-mail: surian.law.firm@gmail.com

Thank you.

Vivekananda Sukumaran
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2022/23

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee




Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
+603 2693 1440
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia*
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50000 Kuala Lumpur