KL Bar Run 2025 -Sponsorship

We are excited to announce that the 10th Anniversary of the KL Bar Run will take place on Saturday,18th January 2025 at Padang Merbok, Jalan Parlimen, Kuala Lumpur.

To mark this special occassion, we invite you to join us as a valued sponsor and be part of this milestone event.

Join us and Energise the Run!

PART I – OBJECTIVES: The KL Bar Run was organised with the aim to promote and encourage running as a form of healthy sport amongst the members of the Bar. Since its inaugural inception in year 2015, the KL Bar Run has gained momentum and popularity amongst the legal fraternity in Malaysia and abroad. From 240 participants in 2015, the numbers reached 1,200 at the recent KL Bar Run 2024, which included the participation of the Judiciary. In celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the KL Bar Committee is optimistic that the number of participation will be even higher this time round. It is indeed a welcome call to a more active lifestyle and camaraderie amongst the Bench and the Bar.

PART II – THE RACE: The event is scheduled to be held at Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur. The KL Bar Run will be competed in the form of a relay wherein a baton in the form of a plastic gavel, symbolic of the judge’s gavel, will be relayed amongst 4 runners per team. Each runner has to complete a running distance of approximately 3.5km, including slopes and sideways before passing the ‘gavel’ to the next runner. Each team shall consist of at least one (1) female runner and one (1) male runner. A timing chip will be affixed to the baton and each runner’s time will be accurately recorded.

PART III – THE RUNNER’S ENTITLEMENT: A Finisher medal and Finisher Tee together with a ‘goodie’ bag will be awarded to each runner whose team completes the run.

PART IV – TOP TEAMS: Trophies will be awarded to the Top 10 teams with the fastest overall timing. The respective Sponsors’ name for each year will be engraved on the 4th Runner-Up Trophy up to the Champion’s Trophy These Trophies will be retained by the winning teams for approximately 3 months and are to be returned to KL Bar Committee to be contested by the runners on a yearly basis.

PART V – FANCIEST DRESS AWARD: The Fanciest Dress Awards have always been closely contested by the participants. In order to recognise the runners’ efforts in creativity, we are giving out three (3) Fanciest Dress Award Trophies to spice up the running event.

Although KL Bar Run is a team event, we would also like to recognise the fast runners on the event day. Hence there will be top 10 Male Runners’ Trophies and Top 10 Female Runners’ Trophies to be awarded to the runners based on their
individual timing [for open and veteran category respectively].

We take pride in mapping out a well-organised and safe run without compromising on the elements of fun with a friendly edge of competitiveness. We intend to make KL Bar Run 2025 an even better event than its predecessors. We have seen a tremendous increase in the number of lawyers who have taken up marathon running in the past years and we hope to augment the number further with our annual KL Bar Run.

As this is an effort for the benefit of the members of the Bar, we intend to charge members a basic fee as registration fee, which will not be sufficient to cover the cost in the organisation of the event. Our estimated costs of organising the run has escalated since last year with the increment in rental fee, online registration platform and other charges. We are of the view that the quality of the running event should not be compromised in the name of cost and with this in mind, we look forward for your generous and kind funding.

We would be most obliged if you would collaborate with us in this effort and join us as our Sponsor to make this event a success. We urge you not to miss out with the opportunity to have a positive association with enthusiastic members of the Bar.

For further details, please click here to view the Sponsorship Proposal and the Sponsorship Form.

Should you have any questions, please contact Rajan at the KL Bar Secretariat via email at rajan@klbar.org.my.

On behalf of all members of the KL Bar, we thank you in advance for your generosity.

Join us and Energise the Run!

Thank you.

Alvin Oh Seong Yew
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee

Shugan Raman
Sathya Sinnappan
Sports Committee

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee




Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
+603 2693 1440
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia*
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50000 Kuala Lumpur