Car Park Outside The Kuala Lumpur Court Complex

Circular No: 261/2021
Date: 7 December 2021

Dear Members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar,
On 23 November 2021, a meeting was held to discuss, among others, the condition and maintenance of the car park areas situated outside the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex, and the limited car park bays available to members.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”), the Director of the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex (“Court’s Director”) and the Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (“JKPTG”).

During the meeting, the Court’s Director indicated that it would undertake maintenance of the abovementioned car parks. Such maintenance works would be carried out in the coming months, including the repainting of the car park bays lines and the resurfacing of the roads.

On the issue of the limited number of car park bays available, KLBC sought to reopen discussions concerning the possibility of building a multi-storey car park.

JKPTG indicated that further development in the area will only be permitted on a case-by-case basis and only if absolutely necessary.

Both the Court’s Director and KLBC were in agreement that a multi-storey car park was necessary, given the gradual reopening of the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex.

As such, KLBC has written to the Court’s Director to place the request on record. The Court’s Director has agreed to escalate the request to the relevant authorities for the necessary approvals to commence the said development.

The Court’s Director was also informed by KLBC that the Traffic Police has issued summonses to cars parked along the shoulder of the road leading up to the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex. The Court’s Director’s assistance in writing to the Chief of Traffic Police for a waiver/moratorium on all such traffic summonses was sought given the limited availability of car park bays.

Unfortunately, the Court’s Director indicated that this was not possible in light of advice by the Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (“BOMBA”). The BOMBA has taken the position that vehicles parked on the shoulder of the said road presented access difficulties for BOMBA vehicles in the event of an emergency. As such, the Court’s Director requested that members park their cars at the designated car park areas and highlighted that the Court has allocated approximately 100 car park bays within the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex premises for members in addition to the car park areas outside the Court Complex.

In light thereof, KLBC has written to the Chief of Traffic Police to seek a moratorium on the issuances of summons to cars parked along the shoulder of the road leading up to the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex until the relevant parties are able to resolve the issue of car parking availability. Until a response from the Traffic Police is received, we urge members against parking alongside the road leading to the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex where possible.

Vivekananda Sukumaran
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee

Nimalan Devaraja
Civil Practice & Court Liaison Committee

Collin Arvind Andrew
Criminal Law Practice Committee

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee




Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
+603 2693 1440
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia*
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50000 Kuala Lumpur