Petition for Admission as an Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya – Notification pertaining to dating of Borang 1 and Flowchart on the process for the filing of Admission documents

Pursuant to a recent meeting held between the Kuala Lumpur High Court (Appellate & Special Powers Division) [“the RKKK Division”] and the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee, the Deputy Registrar of the RKKK Division has requested that Borang 1 are to be dated by pupils-in-chambers before e-filing the same which e-filing has to be done from the office and not via the service bureau which service is no longer available to lawyers. Click here for the guidelines on how to fill out Borang 1 (including all the other Forms i.e. Borang 2 to 8). Please note that Borang 1 and the Affidavit are to be e-filed separately and not as one document.

Click here for the Flowchart on the process for the filing of Admission documents.

Pupils-in-chambers must ensure that they record in the register at the Petition for Admission Counter at the RKKK Division when submitting the 32 copies of their Borang 2 for posting at all the High Courts in Malaya.

Service of Admission documents

1. Service on the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee – email PDF copies to

2. Service on the Malaysian Bar Council – by hand or registered post

3. Service on the Attorney-General’s Chambers – by hand or registered post

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee




Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
+603 2693 1440
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia*
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50000 Kuala Lumpur