Dear Members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar,
1. Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2024/2025
During the 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar held on 29 February 2024 (“32nd AGM“), the following persons were elected to the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”) for the term 2024/2025:-
Chairman: Alvin Oh Seong Yew
Committee members:
3. Brenda Rangithan
4. Thulasy Suppiah
5. Rajsurian Pillai
6. Tay Kit Hoo
7. Shugan Raman
8. Sathya Sinnappan
9. Ooi Jia Liang
10. Morhaneraj Rajakumar
It was confirmed at the 32nd AGM that the KL Bar subscription for the year 2024 shall remain at RM125.00 per member.
Pursuant to Section 73(i) of the Legal Profession Act 1976, the subscription shall be payable each year to the State Bar Committee by the 30th day of June.
As such, please ensure that your KL Bar subscription of RM125.00 is paid no later than 30 June 2024 directly to the KL Bar’s HSBC Account (details as below).
Account Name: Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
Account Number: 305080574001
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2024/2025